Tips For An Incredible Fish Snorkeling Adventure

Snorkeling is a common pastime when you're visiting an oceanfront town or region. There are often snorkeling tours you can take to look at both the fish and the surroundings. On these tours, your tour guide generally gives you basic instructions for snorkeling. These instructions can come in handy. However, since your guides have multiple participants to work with, they cannot always give guidance as thorough and detailed as you might want. Here are some additional tips to follow for a more incredible snorkeling adventure.

Make sure your mask fits.

When you snorkel with a tour group, they generally give you a mask to rent. It's important to make sure this mask fits. If it is too loose, water will enter. However, you also want to make sure the mask is not too tight. If it feels like it's digging into your face when you're just trying it on, it will really feel like it's digging in after an hour of snorkeling. Don't hesitate to ask your tour guide for a different mask if the first one you try is not comfortable.

Swim slowly.

Take your time as you navigate through the water. Moving slowly will allow you to observe more fish and observe them thoroughly. It will also help ensure you can keep up with your breathing needs through the snorkel. If you move too quickly and tire yourself out, then you may have trouble getting enough air through the snorkel.

Stay relaxed.

When you're snorkeling, try to keep your body and muscles relaxed. This will allow you to move through the water more seamlessly, and it will also keep your breathing rate lower. If you find yourself tensing up as you're snorkeling, imagine your legs and arms are pieces of floppy spaghetti. This tactic helps a lot of people shake the stiffness out.

Don't look too far out.

When you're snorkeling, focus on looking at what's right in front of you. With the mask over your eyes, it will be hard to see more than a few feet away. If you're looking too far out, you will miss what you could have seen, more clearly, right in front of your face.

If you follow the tips above, then you'll be able ot have a fun time on your fish snorkeling tour. For additional tips and advice, do not hesitate to ask your tour guide. They can tell you what has worked well for other customers.
